
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

生物/体质人类学    ( 3.00 -单位)
人类作为一个生物物种,通过进化生物学和遗传学的检查, 灵长类动物比较解剖学和行为学, 还有化石证据. 强调人类独特的生物和行为特征, 以及与其他动物共享的基因. 当前的人类学问题,如种族的生物学意义, 遗传疾病, 以及进化对人类行为的影响.

  1. 比较评价古人类/古人类进化的古人类学证据.
  2. Explain the difference between and significance of scientific and non-scientific methodology. 将这些概念应用到日常生活中.
  3. Integrate knowledge of genetics and evolutionary processes to analyze diversity in modern human populations.
  4. Interpret human anatomy and behavior in the context of non-human primate anatomy and behavior.

生物/体质人类学实验室    ( 1.00 -单位)
Laboratory activities and exercises developed as an adjunct to 人类学 1 (Introduction to Biological/Physical 人类学) including the identification of fossils through examination of fossil casts, 人工制品学对人类制品的研究, 观察灵长类动物的行为和结构, 在人类遗传学案例研究中解决问题.

  1. Compare and contrast primate anatomy and behavior through the examination of skeletal material and direct observation of primate behavior.
  2. 评估遗传数据,了解遗传和评估进化过程.
  3. Evaluate human biological diversity through the application of forensic 分析 to the human skeleton.
  4. Evaluate the importance and timing of human adaptations through the examination of fossil and cultural replicas.

ANTH 2 -考古学入门    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程是概念研究的入门课程, 理论, data and models of anthropological archaeology that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. The course includes a discussion of the nature of scientific inquiry; the history and interdisciplinary nature of archaeological research; dating techniques; 方法 of survey, 挖掘, 分析, and interpretation; cultural resource management; professional ethics; and selected cultural sequences. 本课程可能包括实验部分.

  1. 识别各种考古理论, 方法, 以及用来调查人类过去的技术.
  2. 明确目标, 法律方面, 操作, 以及文化资源管理与遗产保护的伦理框架.
  3. 说明参考文化序列使用考古方法.

社会与文化人类学    ( 3.00 -单位)
不同文化背景下的人类如何满足基本的生理需求, 社会及文化需要, 包括亲属关系和婚姻习俗, 政治和社会组织, 经济机构, 宗教和育儿实践, 社会变革, 以及文化行为的其他方面. 强调以自己的方式理解其他文化. 包括构成北美人口的许多亚文化.

  1. Describe and apply anthropological principles and methodologies to the study of human culture/s.
  2. 解释民族志方法对文化研究的重要性.
  3. Analyze various social constructions of identity and evaluate the societal impact of these constructs.
  4. Appreciate and be sensitive to cross-cultural differences with the aim of developing a perspective of cultural relativism and an ability to recognize ethnocentrism.

ANTH 4 -语言文化    ( 3.00 -单位)
An introduction to the core concepts of linguistic anthropology and the study of language in culture and 社会, including how language perpetuates the identity of individuals through their social interactions and their culture in everyday speech events. 身份等主题, 社会地位, 性别, 比赛, 以及制度权力, 在当代语言使用中进行检查. Traditional study of the 方法 of linguistic anthropologists as well as the study of the biological basis of communication and speech, 语言结构, 语言的起源, 跨越时间的语言, 语言的变化, 交流的民族志, 社会语言学, 非语言交际和写作, 以及文化背景如何决定意义.

  1. 解释研究语言和交流的人类学方法;
  2. 识别语言的结构属性;
  3. 描述和解释人类语言的生物学基础;
  4. describe and demonstrate how the relationship between language and culture has social consequences.

ANTH 5 -美国文化.S. 全球视野    ( 3.00 -单位)
与理解美国种族、阶级、性别和文化结构相关的问题. S. 从全球视角看社会. 影响美国经济增长的至少三大因素.S. 文化群体(如非裔美国人), 亚裔美国人, 拉丁美洲和其他),包括全球化的影响, 移民模式, 美国文化社区的渗透性.S., 认同和包容与排斥的文化政治, 以及影响现代美国经济的其他因素.S. 社会.

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of historical and empirical perspectives in developing and objective 分析 of the American 社会.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the role racial and cultural minorities play in the structuring of American 社会.
  3. 展示社会知识, 政治, 以及种族和民族在发展分层社会中的经济力量.
  4. Evaluate the concept and importance of cultural relativism in the understanding of cultural diversity.

性与性别人类学    ( 3.00 -单位)
运用生物学领域的研究和理论, 文化人类学, 语言学, 和考古学, 本课程需要 an anthropological approach to the study of 性 and 性别 across cultures and throughout time. 主题包括文化 性别建构, 性, and 性uality; the biological foundations of 性; and how 性别 difference relates to cultural 实践.

  1. 解构“性”的生物学概念."
  2. 分析跨文化的性别观念 & 从不同的人类学和理论角度探讨性别角色.
  3. 描述并演示两性之间的关系, 性别和文化具有社会影响.

ANTH 8 -美洲原住民文化    ( 3.00 -单位)
Survey of the Native American cultures of North America from an anthropological perspective, 包括从史前到现在的文化发展. 强调美洲原住民观点和传统的多样性, 包括亲属关系, 宗教, 政治, 社会和经济机构, 以及对人类的态度, 动物, 与自然. 当前的问题包括社会和政治正义运动和文化生存.

  1. Describe and apply the methodology of 文化人类学 inquiry with respect to Native American cultures of North America.
  2. 了解北美印第安人的各种传统.
  3. Critically evaluate the 政治, cultural, and economic issues confronting Native Americans today.

ANTH 12 -魔法,宗教,巫术和治疗    ( 3.00 -单位)
精神的跨文化视角, 宗教活动, 神话, 祖先的信仰, witchcraft and the variety of religious rituals and practitioners found in the cultures of the world. Examination of the cosmologies of different cultures through the anthropological perspective. Emphasis is placed on how knowledge of the 宗教活动s and beliefs of others can help us to understand the multicultural world in which we live. Comparison of the ways in which diverse cultures confront the large and fundamental questions of existence: those dealing with the meaning of life, 生与死, 人类与彼此的关系以及人类与宇宙的关系.

  1. 在日常生活中应用人类学原理,因为它们与社区有关, 家庭, 自我, 以及职业生涯, 包括医疗和信仰领域.
  2. Appraise and be sensitive to cross-cultural differences with the aim of developing a perspective of cultural relativism and an ability to recognize ethnocentrism.
  3. Critically compare and contrast religious and healing beliefs and behaviors, both past and present.
  4. 区分科学思想、魔法思想和宗教思想.

法医人类学    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the recovery and interpretation of human physical remains within the medico-legal context. 主要议题包括人类骨骼和牙齿遗骸的鉴定, 性别决定, 死亡年龄, 祖先, 身材, 分析和鉴定不同类型的创伤和病理, 事后变更, 死亡后的时间, 恢复技术, and legal and ethical issues pertaining to the treatment of human remains in a forensic context.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the methodology used in Forensic 人类学 by using proper archaeological techniques, 并遵循法医人类学规程.
  2. 确定死因和死亡方式, 死亡之后的时间, 使用适当的法医人类学方法.
  3. 确定死者的身份(性别、年龄、血统、身材等).),使用适当的法医人类学方法.

ANTH 13L -法医人类学实验室    ( 1.00 -单位)
The Forensic 人类学 Laboratory simulates field and laboratory conditions in ANTH 13 (Forensic 人类学). 学生将使用适当的考古方法进行实地考察. They will also work with casts of human skeletal and dental specimens and follow the Forensic protocol to identify a decedent, 帮助确定死因和死亡方式.

  1. 运用考古学和法医人类学的方法来研究人类遗骸.
  2. 帮助执法人员和法医鉴定死者身份.
  3. 协助执法人员和法医学人员确定死因和死亡方式.